The other day I saw a young man on tumblr that caught my eye. He looked about 20, 21 max. Dude was pretty stylish, fashion forward.... Until I instantly felt myself go into a frantic indignation...( or maybe I'm being over dramatic, but you'll understand soon enough). He happened to be wearing a hat with the symbol of satanism (pentagram), and a cross around his neck. Then me being the undercover journalist that I am (in my head of course), I read some of the comments. Many of the comments read pretty cliche, basically along the lines of "dope bro!", and "where can I get that hat?" . But one stood out challenging this obvious human oxymoron. (I shall paraphrase) "How are you wearing satanism and Christianity at the same time?" The response did not really shock me, well not as much as the "lol" that it began with to make light of the situation... " Lol, I'm a walking contradiction". (*GASPS*) I was livid. I guess because I too once was an indecisive young adult that could never choose a side, it took me to the MOON!! Contradictions are the leading disability in my generation. We are constantly saying one thing, doing another. Advertising one faith, and "believing" another. We praise people who have done nothing for our generation but push us further into materialistic, hedonistic thinking, and we kill, violate, or don't even pay attention to those pointing to the side of right. What are we doing? I chose to sing/cover/ rewrite ( you get it, lol) this song because it was already challenging my thinking and helping me to see the error in the way our society has pumped us to think. Robotically, we stand outside hours with our children for sneakers, but we're never seen at parent teacher conference, you know... Stuff like that. 'Kill Jesus, Praise Judas', I believe is one of the best thought out, written, and performed songs of all time. It brings light on contradictions, Christian consciousness, as well as political awareness. In my rendition, I had to stay within those bounds, but also give my views, and say what I've been dying to say (I wanted to say more, but I was lazy so I cut the song short,lol). Honestly man, I'm tired of the contradictions, tired of the back peddling, and tired of corrupt and foolish thinking. Support, live, and be what's right.... Not what's popular. I am completely aware of the " off trackness" being portrayed in this blog, but my points were made nonetheless. Enjoy the music. P.S. I sooo made up that " off track-ness thing. Just in case you thought I may be illiterate or something crazy like that. Love y'all! #onlytheFOOLISHdo
-Valencia Fulmore aka "LovesDeCorum"
(If the soundcloud player is not working for you, click the image at the beginning of the page to hear the song)