The Weight Is Over
I was talking to God one day. I made a vow to him concerning my relationship with him, my body, and the next steps into becoming the person I'm supposed to be. I had the right intentions, my heart was in the right place, and I was fed up with the same stagnating cycles I've experienced for years. What completely blows my mind is that... As "fed" up as I thought I was.... I wasn't really THAT fed up. To be honest.... I was so comfortable. I was comfortable making excuses for why I couldn't do something, (because I'm daily being delivered from laziness). Sometimes we stay in our mess so long, we get used to the odor, the look, the deficiency, the lack, the limiting disorderly disposition of where we are. What we need to begin to realize... Is that the "where we are" can immediately become the "who we are" if we don't choose where we actually want to be. We are a product (sometimes) of our environment... Well most of the time actually. (If you disagree, save that for a debate, but right now I'm trying to make a point, lol). So the other day I made a decision, I am changing everything around me. I'm knocking down the walls, breaking this house DOWN to rebuild on some solid, sturdy foundation.
My problem is discipline. I don't have discipline. I can act disciplined with things, but I am not disciplined. I don't want it to be something I do. I want it to be something, that I am. I've been trying to lose weight, for years!!!!!!! I've tried diets, quick fixes, all that... None of it worked because I was never consistent. Guess what tho?!!!! That ended days ago!!!! Lol. I'm on my way to healthier living.
As an aspiring artist, it is important that I have the look that I want. I love clothes and fashion waaaay too much to not look the way I want. My sound, my look, my message allll have to be in unison with each other. I'm so excited about this, this is personally MY first step to being a WHOLE artist. Join me, Valencia, on the 100 days; 100 pounds journey! I am on a quest with a few of my girls to lose 100 pounds by May 21st, yes I said it... MAY 21ST!! We are working out, and eating right... Going as hard as we possibly can!! If you'd like to be apart comment below, and I'll send you the plan personally! It'll be painful, there will be tears, but KNOW it WILL be worth it! Anything that makes you better is something you should invest your time in. At the end of this journey, you'll be proud enough to know that YOU did it.... You made the decision to become a healthier, fit, and even more beautiful... YOU.